In this interactive workshop, we will look at examples of how students in elementary classrooms are coding out their learning. Coding is used to promote critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. We will explore how students can code to learn while also building skills across various content areas. This is a hands-on workshop where participants will explore iPad and computer apps such as Kodable, Scratch and Scratch Jr. We will also take a look at how Wonder Workshop Dash & Dot robots, BeeBot, Lego WeDo, Makey Makey and other devices help to bring coding alive and extend the learning. Participants will be given time to collaborate and create a plan to integrate coding in K-5.
Please post any questions you at slido.com #kidscode
Kris Schwengel |
Liz Castillo |
Jake LeePunahou School
Grade 1 Teacher [email protected] @TeachingJake |